About This Blog

I decided to start this blog as a way to keep track of my progress in learning Korean *sort of?*.

I am a thinker + a dreamer, and this blog serves as my effort to be a doer.

As someone who is infamous for being *get bored easily* and *have short term attention/memory/perseverance*, I have one passion that I have been pursuing and it has been proving all of the mentioned “qualities” about me to be wrong. And it is: South Korea.

Long story short, I fell in love with Korean drama and its culture around 2001. Since then, I have been trying to teach my self Korean and to immerse myself in learning about the culture.

There are so may ways to learn about something and so many sides you can choose from a single topic that you could choose to focus on. But I’m a strong believer of loving something completely and wholly (both – and +) once I choose to love something.

So I’m in cooperating my hobbies, daily life, geographical location, situations, etc. to learn Korean language, culture, habits, food, history, and all the things that come with it. As I have never taken any formal class to learn this things, I put it all in this blog. I also hope that it will help, or at least inspire, someone going on the same path/journey with me. I would love to hear your ways and experiences in learning Korean. So, share your comment, thoughts, opinions with me through these channels here.

Now living in Vancouver as a communication major student at SFU, I’m working hard whipping my self to catch my falling stars (They say when you make a wish when a star is falling, your wish will come true, eh?). I’m aiming to, at least, do a co-op (internship) in Korea. My biggest catch a.k.a dream? to work in Korea in the entertainment industry, maybe as a PD or creative director. Might or might not come true. But I’m sure it will motivate me!

dream big girl….dream big and fight for it! I’m allowed to dream big, no?! =) Yeah.. visit my ‘pursuing ‘IT’ page for more story of my goals.

Has my Korean improved? I hope so! You would actually have to ask my friends to get this answer for that question. One thing for sure, though, that no effort will come back fruitlessly.

So how does this blog work? Consider it that you’re reading my note-book. I will gather a lot of information from all over to first informed my self and then sharing it with you all at the same time. The topics will be decided from which aspects I encountered, could it be food, shows, music, etc.. I will also add my two cents on life, relationship, or anything random. Because, I’m a self-proclaimed thinker and learning a new thing will also allow you learn about yourself and live (read: I learn well from analogies). And I also want to share you that part!

Say, why don’t I do it for my own culture? Well, I’m promoting Indonesian culture in some other ways. I taught Indonesian and the culture to a foreigner once. I will also share it through a club at SFU. My main focus is different. In Korean culture I would like to get informed and to experience it, hoping I could pair them up with my future goals. Whereas in Indonesian culture, I would like to practically share my knowledge and my love to the culture. It’s like finding someone “like me” who fall in love with Indonesian culture and sharing what they wish to get.

So, anyone up for helping me out in this journey is most welcomed and will be GREATLY appreciated!

anyway… again.. thank you for visiting this blabbering site..

Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.
-Napoleon Hill-

Cheers.. ♥


  1. Wow nice blog! I didn’t know I would meet someone so crazy about Korean culture… I thought such a person didn’t exist in Vancouver… ^^;;


  2. Im not a blogger but I love your blog…
    Im learning korean language and culture too…(self study..:(…)
    I find it hard especially when no one you can talk to…


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